Chemical Compounds for Life

Chemical Compounds for Life
  • All living things are mostly composed of 4 elements: H, O, N, C "honk"
  • Compounds are broken down into 2 general categories:
    • Inorganic Compounds:
      • Do not contain carbon
    • Organic compounds
      • Contain significant amounts of carbon.
      • Often found with common "functional groups"
Carbon: The "swiss army knife" of chemistry.
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  • Carbon is essential to life for several reasons:
    1. It can form strong stable (usually nonpolar) covalent bonds
    2. It can form up to 4 chemical bonds
    3. It can form multiple bonds
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  • Organic Compounds often form Polymers
    • Long chains of smaller molecules (not atoms) called monomers, bind to form huge Macromolecules.
Organic Compounds of life:
  • 4 Types: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & Nucleic acids

  • Includes: Sugars, starches, cellulose & glycogen
  • Made of Carbon ( C ), Hydrogen ( H ), and Oxygen (O )
  • Following ratio of elements CnH2nOn
    • Sugars: Provide & store energy for cells
    • Simple sugars include Glucose & Fructose since these are made of only 1 Carbohydrate molecule they are known as Monosaccharides.

  • Monosaccharides can be linked together through the process of Dehydration Synthesis
    • Water is removed from 2 monocaccharides - resulting in a covalent bond between the 2 molecules
  • Sucrose (table sugar) is made of 2 sugars linked together and these are called Disaccharides
    • Often referred to as transport saccharides
    • Require some digestion to be used by cells
Dehydration Synthesis
  • Starches are many monosaccharides linked together in a single chain. These are called Polysaccharides.
    • Plants use this for energy storage e.g. Potatoes
    • Two types
      • Amylose - Long strait unbranched chains
      • Pectins - many linked short Amylose chains
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  • Cellulose is made of long polysaccharide chains
    • Plants use this for structure (e.g. Wood) - not very digestible
    • Due to the reverse orientation of the monosaccharide sububnits, digestive enzymes cannot hydrolize the bonds between them
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  • Glycogen is a moderately branched polysaccharide
    • Animals use this for energy storage.
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  • Lipids are macromolecules including fats, waxes & oils
    • Primary function is energy storage.
      • Energy is stored in C-H bonds.
      • More efficient in storing energy
    • Lipids are made of 2 parts
      • Glycerol - an alcohol - Serves as backbone of the molecule
      • 3 Fatty acids - Long hydrocarbon chains
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  • Saturated fats have long chains with no double-bonds
  • Unsaturated fats have double bonds
  • Polyunsaturated fats have many double bonds
  • Each time a double bond is encountered, the molecule "Bends" slightly, resulting in a lower density of the lipid. This makes the molecule more likely to remain liquid at room or body temperatures.
  • 4 Major types of biologically important Lipids
  • Phospholipids - Important for membrane structure
  • Steroids - eg. Cholesterol & testosterone. Provide membrane support / serve as hormones
  • Terpenes - serve as important components of pigments
  • Prostaglandins - appear to act like localized hormones to induce cellular/tissue responses.
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  • Proteins are made of Amino Acids
  • There are 20 different amino acids. Each having a similar general structure - Differ only in their "R" groups
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example amino acids
  • Amino acids form proteins via deyhdration sythesis forming peptide bonds
  • Two amino acids linked together are called dipeptides
  • More than 2 linked together are called polypeptides - polypeptides can be thousands of amino acids long
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  • Protein types include globular proteins which are usually enzymes and Fiberous proteins which usually serve for structure (eg. Hair)
  • Proteins Exhibit 4 "levels of structure.

    • Primary Structure of a protein is it’s sequence of amino acids.
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    • The Sequence (primary structure) causes parts of a protein molecule to fold into sheets or bend into helix shapes - this is a protein’s Secondary Structure.
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    • The protein then can compact and twist on itself to form a mass called it’s Tertiary Structure
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    • Several Proteins then can combine and form a protein’s Quaternary Structure.
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  • Various conformations are usually caused by the formation of hydrogen or disulfide bonds
  • PH, changes or heat can disrupt these bonds, permanently denaturing the protein.

Nucleic Acids
  • Two types of Nucleic acids
  • DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
  • RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
    • DNA is Formed of in a "Double Helix" - like a spiral staircase.
DNA Molecule-note "double helix" shape
  • DNA is formed by Nucleotides
    • These are made from 3 components
      • A 5-Carbon Sugar
      • A Nitrogenous base
      • A Phosphate group
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  • Nucleotides form a backbone through linkages from the OH group of the 3rd carbon to a phosphate group of the adjoining nucleotide. These are called Phosphodiester bonds

  • For DNA There are 4 different Nucleotides categorized as either Purines (double ring) or Pyramidines (single ringed). These are usually represented by a letter. These Are:
    • Adenine (A)
    • Cytosine (C)
    • Guanine (G)
    • Thymine (T)

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  • Each "Rung" of the DNA "staircase" is formed by the linking of 2 Nucleotides through Hydrogen Bonds.
  • These Hydrogen bonds form only between specific Nucleotides. This is known as Base Pairing. The rules are as follows:
    • Adenine (A) will ONLY bond to Thymine (T)
    • Cytosine (C) will ONLY bond to Guanine (G)
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  • RNA differs from DNA in several important ways.
  1. It is much smaller
  2. It is single-stranded
  3. It does NOT contain Thymine, but rather a new nucleotide called Uracil which will bind to Adenine.
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Comparison of DNA & RNA

  • ATP is closely related to nucleic acids.
  • Composed of Ribose, Adenine & a phosphate group
    • Phosphate group has ability to bind/release additional phosphate group allowing it to store or release energy.

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