The Cell
- All Living things are composed of cells
- All Cells have/contain the following:
- Cell Membrane - Lipid Bilayer - Separates inside from outside
- Cytoplasm - everything but DNA/Nucleus
Cell Types
- Two major types of cells:
- Prokaryotic Cells
- Primitive cells
- No nucleus
- No Membrane-bound organelles
- Very Small 1-10 micrometers
- Single Strand of Circular "naked" DNA
- Contain Ribosomes
- Eukaryotic Cells
- Contain a Nucleus which protects DNA / Chromosomes
- Much larger than prokaryotic cells
- Have many different types of Membrane bound organelles - compartmentalization = efficiency
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
- Membrane-Bound organelles only found in Eukaryotes
- Localize Chemical Reactions making the cell far more efficient
- Major organelles of the Eukaryotic Cell
- The Nucleus
- "eukaryotic" means "true nucleus"
- Contains & protects the cell’s DNA
- Helps coordinate the division of cells
- Surrounded by a Nuclear Envelope
- Envelope is double layered with an Inner & Outer membrane
- Has perforations called Nuclear Pores which allow large molecules to pass in/out of the nucleus
- Contains a Nucleolus
- Ribosomes are made in this region
The Nucleus
- Contains DNA packaged in structures called chromosomes
Mitochondria- Serves as the "powerhouse of the cell" by generating chemical energy
- Has it’s own DNA*
- Can divide on its own*
- Is the "cell’s farm" - meaning food is generated here.
- Does this by photosynthesis - the conversion of CO2, H2O and sunlight into sugar
- Contain Chlorophyll - a green pigment - which does this
- Has it’s own DNA*
- Can divide on its own*
- Are NOT membrane-bound & also exist in prokaryotes
- Are used to manufacture proteins
- Granular in appearance
- Often found on "rough" endoplasmic reticulum*
Ribosomes on Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Are folds of membranes used to package & modify proteins made by ribosomes. They also make lipids
- 2 types
- "Rough" - which is usually near nucleus and covered with ribosomes giving it its "rough" appearance.
- "Smooth" - which is usually away from the nucleus
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Bodies - Are the post offices of the cell- Modify (address) proteins & lipids and send them in packages (vessicles) throughout (or out of) the cell.
- Small Vessicles which serve to digest particles and clean-up cells
- Contain Lysozyme – a powerful digestive enzyme
- Digests food particles
- Destroys worn-out organelles
- Self-Destructs worn-out cells
- Serve as construction/organization points for cellular microtubules
- Organize and transfer chromosomes and other organelles during Meiosis & Mitosis
- Occur in some prokaryotes, protists & animals. Do not occur with fungi and plants
- Tube like structures usually at right angles to each other.
- Some animals have centriole-like structures at the base of flagella called basal bodies.
- Large H2O / Lipid / waste storage tank
- Provides pressure (Turgor pressure) to maintain cell structure
Cell Wall (PLANT ONLY) - Provides support / protection for plant cell
- Two layers of cell wall
- Primary Cell Wall – Outer – Cellulose only
- Secondary Cell Wall – Inner – Cellulose & Lignin
- Cell membrane is innermost layer
- Network of fibers which help organize the internal arrangement within cells.
- Three basic types of fibers compose cytoskeleton:
- Actin Filaments
- Thinnest fibers ~7nM
- Formed from protein Actin
- Microtubules
- Largest component of cytoskeleton ~25 nM
- Formed from protein Tubulin
- Intermediate filaments
- Intermediate in size and can vary
- Form from several proteins inluding vimentin & keratin
Intercellular Junctions
q Allows attachment and communication between cells. This aids cells in behaving as a unified organism.
o Plants utilize Plasmodesmata
§ Perforations and channels through cell walls of adjacent plant cells.
§ Allows cytoplasm from adjacent cells to pass between cells.
o Animals Utilize several different junctions to provide communication, structure & support.
§ Tight Junctions – Belts joining cell membranes of neighboring cells. Prevent materials from passing between cells
§ Desmosomes – “rivets” made from keratin which anchor neighboring cells together. These also have pores allowing communication between cells.
§ Gap Junctions – Channels connecting cytoplasm from adjacent cells
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