Origins of Life

Origins of Life
Important Dates:
·        Universe Created - "Big Bang" - ~12 billion years ago
·        Earth forms: ~4.6 billion years ago
·        Life begins on earth: ~3.5 billion years ago.
·        Three major theories of development of life on earth:
1.      Extratarrestrial origin: Life was brought to Earth, either unintentionally, or intentionally.
2.     Special Creation: Life was brought into being by a spiritual "Being".  Most cultures have individual beliefs regarding this, and is the basis of most religeons.
3.     Evolution: Holds that complex organic molecules developed over time through a process of selection.  Here, selection favored molecules which were more able to remain intact in the primitive terrestrial environment.
·        Early terrestrial atmosphere was "reducing" - high amounts of Hydrogen.
·        Probably bound as H2S, NH3 & CH4.
·        Little or no free O2
·        Free O2 would have probably prevented life from forming, since it tends to break-down organic compounds.
·        Early terrestrial environment had large amounts of free energy:
1.      Volcanic
2.     UV Light (Note there was little O3 as a protective layer
3.     Cosmic rays & other high energy radiation
4.     Earthquake (& meteor impact) shockwaves
5.     Mineral radioactivity
6.     Lightning
7.     Heat
·        Combination of simple atmospheric compounds & free energy allowed the formation of progressively more complex organic compounds.
·        Experimental Evidence:
·        1953: Stanley Miller & Harold Urey
·        Created apparatus to simulate primordial conditions on earth, and applied energy in the form of electricity (lightning).
·        Found that in 1 week 15% of the simple compounds had reformed into complex organic compounds including 2 amino acids glycine & alanine - building blocks of life

Origin of First Cells
Life probably began through the development of Coacervates
·        Small spheres which form SPONTANEOUSLY from lipids in an aqueous environment
·        Form spontaneously into bilayers
·        Can grow and divide
·        Can sequester and promote reactions common to living systems.
·        Evolutionary processes probably led them to form modern cells.  Those coacervates which were more chemically stable, would exist longer and have a greater chance to protect bio-molecules contained within them (esp. nucleic acids).
·        RNA molecules could have been produced first however.
·        Nucleic acids were produced in the Miller-Urey experiment
·        RNA has been found to be able to act as an enzyme, and be able to replicate itself on occasion.
First Cells were Eukaryotic:
·        Lacked nucleus
·        No membrane bound organelles
·        Simple circular DNA
·        First cells were anaerobic - do not use O2 for respiration.
·        Were strictly heterotrophic  No photosynthesis
·        2.5 byears - First photosynthetic cyanobacteria appear.
·        Engaged in photosynthesis and produced free O2
·        Caused mass extinction since O2 was highly toxic to primitive bacteria
·        1.5 byears - Aerobic respiration appears as adaptation to increased O2 levels in atmosphere.
·        1.2 byears - First eukaryotes appear.
·        Endosymbiotic Theory - Dr. Lynn Margolis
·        Large prokaryotic cell ingested the following:
·        Ingested prokaryotic aerobic bacteria Þ Mitochondria
·        Ingested photosynthetic bacteria Þ Chloroplasts
·        Evidence.  Both mitochondria and chloroplasts can replicate themselves and have own circular DNA.
·        600 Myears Cambrian explosion - Multicellular organisms appear and proliferate

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