
  • Most cells reproduce through some sort of Cell Division
  • Prokaryotic cells divide through a simple form of division called Binary Fission
  • 3 step process
    1. Single "naked" strand splits and forms a duplicate of itself.
    2. The two copies move to opposite sides of the cell
    3. Cell "pinches" into two new and identical cells (Cell wall then forms if applicable)
image32.gif (5316 bytes)

  • Eukaryotes divide by a more complicated system called Mitosis
  • This is because:
  1. They have a nucleus which must be broken up and then reformed.
  2. They have their DNA "packaged" in the form of Chromosomes
    • Chromosomes are composed of Chromatin
      • Made of DNA Strands
      • Also contain Histones - Proteins the DNA is wrapped around
  3. They usually have more than 1 chromosome (humans have 23 pairs)
  4. They have numerous organelles to distribute between the daughter cells.

  • Most of the cell's life is spent doing its regular function.
  • Cells divide along a rough time frame called its Cell Cycle.

  • The Cell cycle consists of the folowing steps:
  1. G1 (Gap 1) Phase - Cell performs its normal function (cells which do not divide stay in this stage for their entire life span)
  2. S (Synthesis) Phase - Here the cell actively duplicates its DNA in preparation for division
  3. G2 (Gap 2) Phase - Amount of cytoplasm (including organelles) increases in preparation for division.
  4. Mitosis - Actual division occurs
  • Mitosis is a 6 Stage process which is summarized in the table below:

Name Image Description
1 Interphase a-inter.gif (111454 bytes) Cell Replicates its DNA/Chromosomes in preparation of upcoming division
2 Prophase image34.gif (164129 bytes)
  1. Chromosomes Shorten and become visible.Nuclear envelope disappears
  2. Centrioles begin to migrate to opposite poles of the cell
  3. Spindle & Astral Fibers   begin to form
3 Metaphase image35.gif (165447 bytes)
  1. Chromosomes line up along center of cell along the Metaphase Plate
  2. Chromosomes attach to spindle fibers
  3. Spindle and astral fibers now clearly visible.
4 Anaphase image36.gif (136070 bytes)
  1. Centromeres break up separating chromosome copies
  2. Chromosomes are pulled apart to opposite sides of cell
  3. Spindle & astral fibers begin to break down
5 Telophase image37.gif (168944 bytes)
  1. Nuclear envelope forms around both sets of chromosomes
  2. DNA uncoils
  3. Spindle & astral fibers completely disappear
6 Cytokenesis image37.gif (168944 bytes)
  1. Happens with most (but not all) cells.
  2. Cytoplasm & organelles move (mostly equally) to either side of the cell.
  3. Cell Membrane "pinches" to form 2 separate cells

Overview of Mitosis

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