

  • Bacteria are the smallest "living" organisms
  • Are prokaryotic cells
    • Lack Nucleus
    • DNA is naked. - a single loop - not bound into a chromosome.
    • May contain plasmids (small circular fragments of DNA)
    • Lack membrane-bound organelles
    • Usually have an outer Cell Wall.
    • Sometimes have an Outer Capsule - These stain red in a Gram Stain test and are called Gram Negative bacteria.
    • Those without an outer capsule stain blue in the gram stain test and are called Gram Positive Bacteria
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  • There are 4 Phyla of bacteria
  1. Eubacteria ("True" bacteria)
  2. Cyanobacteria - aka. Blue-green bacteria - contain chlorophyll a, & phycocyanin (bluish pigment) - These are photosynthetic bacteria.
  3. Archaebacteria - primitive bacteria, frequently found in harsh environments (eg. Hot springs, animal gut, thick mud, high salt concentrations)
  4. Prochlorobacteria - contain both chlorophyll a & b. Similar to chloroplasts found in eukaryotic cells.

  • Bacteria have 3 basic shapes:
  1. Spherical - cocci
  2. Rod-shaped - bacilli
  3. Spiral - spirilli
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How Bacteria obtain energy:
  • Two major categories:
  1. Autotrophs - Make their own energy - 2 types
    • Phototrophic autotrophs - Get energy from sunlight
    • Chemotrophic autotrophs - Get energy from inorganic molecules (eg. Sulfides)
  1. Heterotrophs - Energy obtained from other organisms
    • Chemotrophic heterotrophs - obtain energy by dissolving/absorbing organic material
    • Phototrophic heterotrophs - meet some energy needs from photosynthesis, but must absorb organic compounds.
Bacterial Respiration:
  • 3 major categories
  1. Obligate aerobes. - Must have O2 in order to live
  2. Obligate anaerobes - Must live in an O2 free environment
  3. Facultative anaerobes - Can live with or without O2.
Bacterial Reproduction:
  • Bacteria reproduce through binary fission.
  • Can engage in primitive sexual reproduction called conjugation.
  • A bridge is formed between 2 bacteria
  • Plasmids are shared across bridge, thus exchanging genetic information.
  • In times of harsh conditions, bacteria can form endospores, to encapsulate themselves in a dormant state, until conditions improve.
Some bacteria are motile - can move by either thrashing, secreting lubricating secretions or through use of a flagellum.
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Flagellated bacteria